Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A note about sermons

James is out of town & with him went the sermon videos. Also because last Sunday's sermon entitled "You & Me Both" featured 2 stories that I didn't bother to transcribe, posting a sermon text would have been a little misleading. Next week should be a different story as I am preaching again and will be taking a look at one of my favorite stories from the New Testament that is commonly know as the Gerasene Demoniac from Luke 8. I personally like Mark's version better as Luke leaves out the detail about the man bruising himself with rocks.

Check back later on and see what gets posted. Since it is going to be Father's Day on Sunday & since the only person I know for sure who reads this blog besides the Chinese Porn spammers is my Dad I am sure I will tell a Dad story. And Dad, don't worry, it won't be about Gordon Foods.

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