Thursday, January 21, 2010

Preaching this Sunday

A pastor friend of mine told me that Sundays like last week's were those sermons that he "loved/hated to preach." The Haitian Earthquake was only a few days old, the world is horrified at the sights emerging from the television and on Sunday people are going to show up to a place where we talk about hope, peace, trust in God. I can understand his comment a little more now as I engage my text for this Sunday: I Corinthians12:12-31a

Paul writes to the church at Corinth regarding the gifts God gives to each of us for the betterment of God's people and church as different parts of the same body. Hands and Feet, very different in make up and utility, are all part of a body that requires the full participation of all the "parts" (re. gifts God gives) in order for it to work the way that it should. What strikes me about this is what Paul writes towards the end of this discussion: "If one member suffers, all suffer together with it; if one member is honored, all rejoice together with it."

This short verse has captured me. Paul tells a church that wants to rank the gifts of God that harmony in the sharing of all of God's gifts is what ultimately produces life & when some gifts are disregarded because they are seen to be lesser, or when the people that posses them are seen to be lesser the body suffers. Like an athlete playing with an ankle injury - the whole body of Christ suffers when those who God bestows cannot exercise their gifts.

Our brothers and sisters in Haiti are suffering with a destruction very unfamiliar to us. Because they suffer we too suffer. Because they do not have peace, we do not have peace. This is the connective tissue of our faith.

Hope to see you Sunday!

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