I didn't get named to Columbus Monthly's "List of Titans" that run Columbus. I am as shocked as you are. Apparently you have to be either crazy powerful or filthy rich to make the list and, as my accountant reminds me, I am neither one of those things. But I am not going to give up. I hear that Columbus Monthly is doing a Clergy Swimsuit Calendar. I like my chances there.
Power, Money, Media Attention, other things I can Capitalize, we all want for something, we all want to make our mark. There is something validating about being "something" that few, if any are. I remember one summer in California I was attending camp at Mount Hermon in the Santa Cruz Mountains. There, before God and a video camera, I did a belly-flop off the high dive and landed with an incredible clap. It hurt for sure but for the rest of the week I was "The Belly Flop Guy" which sounded a whole lot cooler then than it does today as I type this. Title aside, I was well known, liked, and my celebrity gained me access to all those places the non-belly flopping proletariat were excluded. All this to say, being well-known, popular and powerful gave me an outlook that was intoxicating but stepping back produced in me a "me & them" mentality.
I don't know any of Columbus' Titans of the City personally. They could all be wonderful, humble, awesome people but then again they might be jerks. I don't know. What I do know is that no matter if they are Titans or Tinkertoys they fall under the same category just as the starving children all the world around, the prisoners locked away in a dank cell, and those uppity brats on reality TV: humanity. Powerful, Uppity, Incarcerated, Near Death, we are all the same in the way that matters, and for me, that is the love that God has for all of us.
So here is to you Columbus Titans: you are rich and powerful but what you and I share money can't buy.