A look into the life of Boulevard Presbyterian Church, its community, and thoughts about where life and faith run into each other.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Standing in the doorway
Today somebody started crying in my doorway. He was looking for something he couldn't find in a place he didn't know and I think that he was scared. But he started crying. Now I have joked with those in my doorway, been challenged, discussed sermons, spoken out loud credit card numbers, and done a great deal of business with someone in my doorway but never had anyone cry.
I don't want to make light of this because I can't shake it. Maybe he thought that he was being taken to the "Principal's Office" church-style. Maybe he thought that he was in trouble & he didn't dare approach to close lest he be detained. Maybe a lot of things. Yet I can't shake the scene... but I know why. I am humbled/disappointed by my inability, in this case, to recognize when something looks like business as usual but isn't. What he needed I didn't ensure he got. What he got was what I give seemingly everyone who stands in my door: an answer. I answered his question but failed to ask one myself.
So much of this job can be providing answers. When do we serve dinner again at the homeless shelter? May 16th. Do we have Sunday School this week? No. Standing at my door is something akin to Google. Type in what you want to know, get it answered, move on. Truthfully "handling business" with expediency can often be a springboard for success as an administrator, something Pastors are asked to do often, but at the end of the day I didn't feel God calling me into middle management. I believe that my relationship with God through Christ is indeed a relationship & it is also how I should live in community with others. It isn't economical, it isn't going to be the "best use of time", nor will it be the easiest way to live but I got to believe, especially when it is tough, that it is the most important thing that I do as a person and as a Pastor.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Sermon: Stones Cry Out - Luke 19:28-48
NOTE: This was the "script" that inspired the spoken sermon. There were, as always, points of departure.
With a well known & important scripture like ours today I think that it is important to set the scene - know what we are dealing with. Jerusalem would be the destination for pilgrims and faithful from all over the land and this city would be teeming with people taking up residence in every nook & cranny. Jerusalem at this time isn’t a very big city & with the population swelling for Passover there eventually was a point with it couldn’t hold anymore folks. This is where Bethany & Bethphage come in. Only about a mile away from Jerusalem, just on the eastern slope of the Mount of Olives, these cities became something of a hub for the travelers who were not staying in Jerusalem but making the journey into the city day after day. So it is safe to assume that the route Jesus takes on his journey would have been well traveled and well known.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Writing my sermon
I am just about 1/2 way done and I think that I will have the 1st draft in the can by tomorrow at this time. My hope is that despite the many things happening this week (my Mom arrives from California tomorrow) I will be able to have something that is faithful to where I feel God is calling me in this scripture.
Stay tuned for some external processing...
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
A Trailer & Website for our Wednesday Lenten Dinner & Class - Session 4

This video asks us the fundamental question for mainline churches (& Christians): are our best days behind us? Come and tackle this questions with us together! Click below to go to the website and watch the trailer!
Monday, March 15, 2010
I am big in China
Some cyber-investigating shows me that this is a common practice on blogs. Blogs taking about art and geometry, new styles of crochet, and many others have been hit. As a precaution to whatever latent security risks these links and comments might hold I have begun deleting the comments as I find them. You can still see your comments (if they are appropriate) but the malicious ones are going away.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
What I want to do & What I am doing
The truth is that if you are like me our passions end up on the back burner for the busyness of work, life, and responsibility. We put so much of ourselves into the things that seem to be the most pressing, the most lucrative, the most productive that on some level we loose the ability to prioritize justly. Let me unpack this...
Paying bills has to be a priority. Going to work has to be a priority. Spending time with your children, your spouse, partner, friends, whatever has to be a priority. Exercising your passions for art, literature, cooking, music, etc has to be a priority. All these things have to be a priority but how do we rank them? Is work more important than spending time with your children? Is reading more important than getting a jump on filing your taxes? The answer I think is a matter of understanding what it means to prioritize justly. We must work to see ourselves as a whole and not a compartmentalized body. Wholeness means that the work that we do and the books that we read are both formative in the construction of ourselves & that while work pays better than reading (in most cases) we cannot be whole unless we seek a just balance between passions and promotion. Scripture ( and the Byrds...click here) teaches us that "to everything there is a season" which means for me that I must think in terms of the totality of life rather than those things that seem to be either most pressing, lucrative or the like. I must ensure that the passions of being alive are not oppressed by what it takes to afford to do them.
So today I am going to thank God for the things that I have been given. For my love of reading, travel, and the like but also the gifts that I have been given for the Call that I have. My prayer is that I can find the harmony, the just priorities between what I want to do and what I am doing. This is my prayer for you as well.
See you Sunday.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
A Trailer for our Wednesday Lenten Dinner & Class - Session 3

To do this we will be watching the Nooma video entitled Kickball which helps us understand our call to trust in God is rooted in the truth that God is indeed good. Check out the link to the video website & trailer.
Monday, March 8, 2010
What is that bright yellow thing in the sky where the grey clouds used to be?
Taking up residence in a single parking space this pile of snow is about the size of of my old Ford Festiva. Jr. High Science tells us that heat, sunlight, and salt form a deadly combination for snow and ice, yet after many days of being exposed to at least the first two the pile remains & my guess it has a few more days left in it. But this, despite my surprise year after year, should be expected. After all there is a lot of snow. The outer layer reflects the sunlight which also insulates the bulk of the snow residing inside the mound & with tons of snow and ice the pile is built to last. It puts up a good fight for the changing environment that it currently finds itself in.
If I am honest, I am impressed with the pile. I think that it does something that we as a church have struggled with for sometime. Whereas a single layer of snow won't last an afternoon with a shining sun, the pile takes all those individual "layers" and brings them all together to form something stronger and more stable as a collective than could be achieved as a single individual. The "strength in numbers" lives out as the temperature climbs but the pile remains. As a church, not just Boulevard, but as an universal church we often fail in pile building because we are so accustom to individuality. We want to build up individuals but we often forget that wisdom exists as a group, that strength exists as a group, and it is only as a community that we can survive when the rising temperatures of our time arrive.
Are you part of a pile?
Monday, March 1, 2010
A Trailer for our Wednesday Lenten Dinner & Class - Session 2

We are now in Week 2 of our 5 week Lenten Series & Class & this week we will be looking at the question: "What does it mean to have a relationship with God?"
Like the first week we will be using the Nooma video series to help us explore this question and others as we try to find harmony between the living out of our faith and our lives.
To get us ready for Wednesday, here is a link to the video's website and trailer: