Ok, so the title is a little cheesy...I get it.
Today is Ash Wednesday and the official kick-off of the 2009 Lenten Season. While there are many churches & many denominations that do not celebrate Ash Wednesday with the impartation (read. putting the ash cross on your forehead) of ashes here at Boulevard it is a much beloved and meaningful service. For a little more on Ash Wednesday click here. Join us for our Ash Wednesday Service @ 7 PM in the Sancutary.
We will also be gathering @ 5:30 PM for the annual Ash Wednesday Spaghetti Dinner. Kyme Rennick and a host of vouletneers have been working hard to put on yet another wonderful Boulevard communal meal. Doantions will be accepted and all are welcome. Spaghetti Dinner @ 5:30 PM in the Fellowship Hall. All are welcome!