As we near the end of 2008 I am feeling a little retrospective. By all accounts 2008 was certainly eventful. In just a mere 366 days (Feb. 29th this year) the world changed a great deal. In our own nation we elected the first President of color, we witnessed the collapse of the American economy and perhaps most shocking, Paris Hilton got a new TV show. A lot can change in just a year...
Around Boulevard 2008 was no slouch either. This year we launched the Men's Prayer Breakfast, the Young Adult Group, we put on another Simple Gifts Sale, we had transitions in staff, put together about 350 Christmas Boxes that reached over 1000 individuals, we began work on the Chapel rehab, began a church recycling program, welcomed many new members and baptized many children, traveled to Iowa to work with Presbyterian Diaster Assistance, put on another VBS, performed many weddings and had a Summer Sermon Series on Call just to mention a few.
It is very easy to measure a year according to the things that we have done and the days that have gone by. But is this the best way to look back at the year? The stuff we did? Hopefully this year brought you opportinties to grow closer to God and deepen your faith. Hopefully this year provided opportuinties to find your place in a community and stregthen relationships. Hopefully this year you hear God's often small voice calling you into something, leading you, and providing for you. Hopefully we can look back on our 2008 and measure the year in this way...but many cannot.
For many 2008 was a terrible year. Love was lost, relationships were broken, finances were ruined and our comfort was challenged. For many God felt so very far away in 2008. For many faith was challenged in 2008. In the midst of all the hardship that 2008 might have provided and in the midst of all the joy that 2008 might have provided, there remains one truth that we can both take into 2009: it will be new and different. Our scriptures tell us that the grass will wither and the flower fades, everything in the end started as dust and to dust it will return. Everything ends and new life begins. 2009 is about to sprout, bringing forth its only surefire crop: a new day. Things will be different no matter what in 2009. I hope that you will join me in rejoicing in what awaits Boulevard, each other, and ourselves in this new year.
Happy New Year!